When you start your new blog, a site meter is one of the first things you should plan to add. If you start from the begining you'll know its an accurate number instead of starting your site meter later on.
You'll notice that a lot of bloggers have site meters that track how many visitors they've had. There are lots of free services that you can use but you'll find that most bloggers choose Site Meter . Site Meter is a free service that you can sign up for and choose any number of their badges and they will give you exact instructions on how to post the meter of your choosing on your specific blog.
Having a meter is a fun and easy way to see how many visitors you've had, along with where they are coming from in the world. I've had visitors from all over the world! Site Meter will also send you a weekly e-mail with an update on your stats.
A lot of bloggers will use their visitor numbers as milestones and have contests for hiting a certain milestone in visitors. You can use this as a great technique to generate more loyal readers or just reward the loyal readers you have.
You can even choose to send out reward packages to their milestone visitors. This is always a fun exercise for all involved! You get to pick out cool toys/treats and then you get to see your friends enjoying them on their blogs! I myself had a contest for my 4,000th visitor and I sent out a beautiful bed to one of my very loyal readers. I was thrilled to be able to reward my blogging friend with something that I really enjoy myself.
This tidbit brought to you by: Latte the Meezer
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